UBC BCWWA Student Chapter
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WEST – Water and Environment Student Talks

Website: west-conference.ubc.ca

The Water and Environment Student Talks Conference, also known as WESTcon, is an interdisciplinary conference organized by students for students and young professionals whose work relates to the water sphere. The annual event started in 2014, and WEST hosts speakers, panel discussions, workshops, and student presentations over three days every June to highlight current issues and the latest water developments.

The WESTcon Conference Themes are:

  1. Research plays a crucial role in safeguarding our water resources.
  2. Promoting water as a necessarily multidisciplinary collaboration
  3. Introducing new perspectives
  4. Inclusive to water professionals from around British Columbia, the Pacific Northwest, and further
  5. Collaborative learning by students and water professionals

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC BCWWA Student Chapter
2002 - 6250 Applied Science Lane,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada

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